About me
I established Saichek Publicity in August 2013. Previously, I spearheaded online publicity campaigns and promotions for AuthorsOnTheWeb/The Book Report Network (2002-2013), and managed select freelance publicity projects on a part-time basis (1996-2013).
I have also worked at a library (1995-1996) and a used bookstore (1995-2000), and I interned in the publicity and editorial departments at Tor/Forge Books (2000).
My objective
My objective is to help authors and publishers connect with current readers and to help expand readerships and awareness through earned media placements (such as reviews, interviews, features, and guest essays), social media, and appearances, depending on particular campaign goals. I also advise clients on advertising and advertorial opportunities and help clients maximize their websites, social media, and newsletters/mailing lists. I strive to create campaigns that complement and extend a publisher’s in-house efforts and the author’s personal efforts.
What I do
* Online media and influencer strategy/outreach (including blogs, podcasts, social media platforms, etc.)
* Print and broadcast media and influencer strategy/outreach
* Appearances (booking assistance/promotion)
* Newsletter/Audience strategy/content development
* Social media/Audience strategy/content development
* Advertising strategy
* General consulting
For traditionally published books: To query about my publicity/marketing services, please reach out at least 5-6 months before the publication date. The earlier the better! I work with self-published and hybrid-published authors on a selective, limited basis.
Select speaking engagements
* Guest Speaker, Heart of Dixie Fiction Writers Group, virtual meeting, September 2020
* Panelist, Sarah Lawrence College’s Publish & Promote Your Book Conference, June 2017
* Panelist, Sarah Lawrence College’s Publish & Promote Your Book Conference, June 2016
* Guest Speaker, SUNY’s Global Center for Graduate and Executive Education, February 2013
* Company Representative (“Breakout” session), online marketing/publicity services panel presented to AAR members, January 2013
* Guest Speaker, SUNY’s Global Center for Graduate and Executive Education, January 2013
* Guest Speaker, SUNY’s Levin Institute for Graduate and Executive Education, December 2011
* Moderator, Meet the Publicist (Independent and Small Press session), Book Blogger Convention/BEA, May 2011
[Image/Text: Logo displays an open book with name of the publicity firm Saichek Publicity, and the Saichek Publicity tagline. Tagline appears as background image on the bottom of each page. There is a picture of Wiley Saichek at the top right hand side of the page.]